Tag: Light of the Seventh Spire

Light of the Seventh Spire Excerpt #3

Tomas, an imperial guard, and Ro, a navigator, have returned with Centauri’s coveted prize. In her glee, the ancient druid reveals a small part of her plans, but the others are only horrified. Tomas knows his time is running if he is to stop her.

May 16, 2018 0

Light of the Seventh Spire Excerpt #2

After sneaking through the dark temple, Monty, Parn and Calais rescue Nora and Rev from their prison cell. But, they soon discover they are not alone. The mysterious angel, Araelius, appears and offers Monty a power greater than all others had promised her in the past. In exchange, she must help him cleanse the realm…
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April 23, 2018 0

Light of the Seventh Spire has been released

Light of the Seventh Spire, the third book in the Fallen Spires series, is now available for order at all major ebook stores. Come read the great adventures of Monty and her companions as they must stop the demons from using the light to destroy everything they know and love.          …
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April 21, 2018 0

Light of the Seventh Spire Book Excerpt #1

Nora and Rev have been captured! To save them, Monty and her companions must sneak into the ancient pyramid where they are being held. To do that, they need a disguise to fool  their darkling captors.

March 31, 2018 0

Light of the Seventh Spire Available for Preorder

Light of the Seventh Spire, the third book in the Fallen Spires series, is now available for preorder. It chronicles the continued journey of Monty and her fight against the growing darkness. With her companions help, they must save the light and stop the evil darklings before they can open the green portal to the…
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March 24, 2018 0